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Being flexible benefits us all:

I teach meditation classes for adults 18 years or over that either want to learn to meditate, are finding it hard to relax, have sleeping difficulties or other issues. I do not state an upper age limit and had never thought of offering this to those below the age of 18. However, recently a lady came to me asking if I could help her young daughter who had great difficulty relaxing and sleeping. I said I would have a think about it and get back to her.

This would mean a lot of flexibility on my part as I would need to adapt the half day workshop program for a much younger person, using simpler words and phrases, then run the workshop just for the mother and her daughter rather than a group and on a Sunday too.

As it turned out I needn’t have worried. It was well worth my efforts as the young girl found the workshop enjoyable and easy to follow and upon meeting them both a few weeks later, the little girl proudly came up to me to say she was regularly using the meditation techniques I had taught her and was able to sleep through the night without difficulty.

She has now just sent me the following testimonial:-

Seeing Jean has given me a great meditation for me to use when I can't get to sleep . And whats more it works every single time! I use it when I cant just drop off to sleep. For an example, If It's bed time and I cant just drop off to sleep I then use the meditation to get to sleep but if I'm really sleepy I can just sleep.

It just shows that everybody is unique and has a need. So I leave you with the thought that running a business is not ‘What can a client do for me’ but more of ‘What can I do for my client’. It’s a great feeling to know that I have made a big difference to someone’s life and so it a win-win situation as we have both benefitted.

Meditation Trainer